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BAS in Early Childhood Education

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BAS in Early Childhood Education 2024-10-10T13:11:14+00:00

BAS in Early Childhood Education

Early childhood professionals work directly with young children in a classroom, encouraging, inspiring, and promoting their growth across developmental domains. They also serve in leadership, administering programs, supporting families, collaborating with service providers, and acting as advocates in the broader community, promoting the health of children and families.

There’s a wide range of opportunities for graduates with bachelor’s degrees in ECE. Some examples include:  

  • Head Start lead teachers, family support specialists, and/or parent involvement staff
  • Program Administrators 
  • Policy roles: Licensing, Advocacy, Policy Specialists
  • Professional development coaches or specialists
  • Washington State trainers for Merit (STARS)

Highline’s Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Early Childhood Education is for people who’ve completed an associate degree (AAS or AA) in Early Childhood Education or related field. The program offers coursework for working professionals, looking to sharpen their skills and meet rising employment requirements, as well those just beginning their careers, whose goal is to become a leader in the field.

Check out the Early Learning Career Planning Portal for more information about how a BAS could help prepare you for a career with children and families.

Why Highline?

The BAS at Highline offers coursework for working professionals ranging from those sharpening their skills for rising career requirements, to those just starting out, but whose goals include leadership in the field. At the core of our program is our commitment to the elimination of inequities in our schools and broader community. Our curriculum reflects core values of justice, respect, humanity, reflection, inclusion, and professionalism. Classes are offered online, virtually, in the evenings, and on weekends with a flexible completion plan of 2-3 years.

Financial Aid & Scholarships


Most students in our program qualify for some kind of financial aid, including grants and/or scholarships. Plan ahead and apply for as many opportunities as you qualify for! The most common funding comes through Child Care Aware of Washington or the college Financial Aid Office

Admissions Requirements

To apply you must have completed a regionally accredited AAS or AA degree in one of the following: Early Childhood Education, Paraeducation, Human Services, or related field. Other associate degrees will be considered on a case by case basis.  The following courses (or equivalents) must be completed in the associate’s degree or before beginning senior level BAS coursework. 

Evidence of clearance or ability to clear a criminal history background check through the state of Washington. Fingerprinting is typically required.

There are two practicum courses in the BAS where you’re required to apply your skills, working directly with children and families at an early learning program, school, or agency serving families and children. In most cases, you’ll need to pass a criminal history background check. Fingerprinting is typically required.

Ready to apply?

You’ll need a copy of a transcript documenting your AA/S degree. Unofficial is fine for the application, but you’ll need to submit official transcripts by the completion of your first quarter.

When you follow the link below, you can read more about the admissions process. At the bottom, there’s a drop down box that says “Apply for a program”. Choose Early Childhood Education.

Apply now!

Not sure? Still have questions?

Contact Education Department Coordinator Luckisha Phillips or make an appointment.

Need support completing your AAS degree?

Make an appointment with an advisor to learn about our ECE I-BEST programs for completion of the State Initial Certificates, ENGL& 101, and Math. We also offer certificate programs fully in Somali and Spanish.