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Contact Us 2023-05-23T09:50:09+00:00

Contact Us


There are a number of people on campus who can meet with you to help you plan you study. Check out the information below, including our specialty areas for advising and our contact information.


Jodi White, Ikran Ismail and Patricia McDonald

Jodi White, Ikran Ismail, and Patricia McDonald, Education Faculty. Highline College Graduation, 2018.

Dr. Christie Knighton

Dr. Christie Knighton, ELCAP Faculty, Education Advisor, and I-BEST Wizard.

John Pizarro

John Pizarro, Elementary Education Faculty and Residency Genius. Pictured here with his favorite daughter.

NameRoleAdvising Specialty AreasStudent & Drop-In HoursAppointment
Christie Knighton (she/her)Faculty, English Language, Career, and Academic Prep (ELCAP)Certificates, AAS & BAS Early Childhood / Education cohorts (I-BEST) / Supported English & Math pathwaysMeet ChristieBook Appointment with Christie
Diego Luna (he/him)Faculty, Ethnic & Gender StudiesCertificates, AAS Early Childhood EducationMeet Diego
Patricia McDonald (she/her)Faculty, Education DepartmentAAS Paraeducation / BAS Elementary Ed Teacher Certification
Meet PatriciaBook Appointment with Patricia
Aaron Modica (he/him)Faculty, SociologyCertificates, AAS Early Childhood EducationMeet Aaron
Luckisha Phillips (she/her)Faculty and Coordinator, Education DepartmentCertificates, AAS & BAS Early Childhood Education / Education cohorts (I-BEST)Meet LuckishaBook Appointment with Luckisha
John Pizarro (he/him)Faculty and Residency Specialist, Education DepartmentBAS Elementary Ed Teacher Certification
Meet JohnBook Appointment with John
Jodi White (she/her)Faculty, Education DepartmentCertificates, AAS & BAS Early Childhood EducationMeet JodiBook Appointment with Jodi

Contact Information

Education Department Office
Building 29, 2nd Floor

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Highline College
Education Department M/S 29-2

P.O. Box 98000
Des Moines, WA 98198-9800

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